Suicide Squad Isekai has become a new sensation in the anime community, again highlighting the immense potential of superhero franchise adaptions into the anime genre. Although some fans accuse the series of a slow start, it’s important to realize that it wanted to showcase every character’s trait, especially for viewers who are unfamiliar with DC comics.
Suicide Squad Isekai has introduced several beloved characters, such as Harley Quinn, Deadshot, and many more. Moreover, the narrative perfectly blends the comic icons with the concept of Isekai, which captivates the interest of many viewers besides DC fans.
With the Episode 9 release, Suicide Squad Isekai is making waves online as it nears its thrilling climax, leaving fans anticipating the season finale. Undoubtedly, Harley Quinn has taken the spotlight after portraying the role of Mother of Dragons, keeping the fandom enthralled for what’s to come.
Suicide Squad Isekai takes the internet by storm showcasing Harley’s role as Mother of Dragons.
Episode 9 starts with the revelation of the Queen’s death and the attack on the castle by the Demon King. We also see Harley Quinn’s influence on Princess Fiona as she finally stands up for herself and encourages the kingdom to fight against the Demon King. Moreover, the arrival of the Suicide Squad to participate in the war and rescue King Shark was another highlight of the episode.
However, Harley remains the center of attention, as she plays a pivotal role in taking down Enchantress with the help of her tamed dragon, Arthur. Interestingly, Warner Bros didn’t hesitate to portray Harley as the Mother of Dragons, similar to the iconic Game of Thrones character, Daenerys Targaryen.
As Enchantress starts to overpower Deadshot and Harley, we see the return of Arthur (Harley’s Dragon) with an iconic appearance in the episode. Later, we view Harley defeating her foe thanks to the new magic-infused rifle alongside Arthur, while Deadshot attempts to subdue the Undead Army.
Harley Quinn emerging as the star of the show isn’t an uncommon occurrence in the series. However, seeing the resemblance to the Mother of Dragons amused several fans as an iconic Game of Thrones reference.